ICRA 2023 presentation about Gazebo, versions and features
Official forum post explaining why and how Ignition became Gazebo
Feature comparison between Gazebo Classic and latest Gazebo
Gazebo main documentation for migrating code from Gazebo classic
Main page with information on supported versions and platforms
Which OSX versions are supported by Gazebo
Guide to go through all the steps to install Gazebo using the Brew package manager
Github repo containing the brew metadata about all Gazebo related packages.
Instruction to install the different Gazebo libraries on Windows using binaries
Conda introduction and how to install Gazebo using it
Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI installation with GPU support
A set of rocker extensions that enable the usage of Gazebo libraries inside Docker
Gzdev plugin for simple docker access in different Gazebo releases
Plugin for gzdev that simplies accessing to a virtualized Gazebo collection environment
Main page documenting all the options of installing Gazebo and ROS together
Feature thatallows loading and unloading objects in simulation according to their proximity to the robot
Distribute the simulation among 1 or more processes and machines. Might be harder to setup to gain performance.
Post with notes about using Gazebo in an HPC cluster
Physics for fast simulation of higher-order fleet dynamics without real physics.
ERB Templates in SDFormat to create model populations
Open-RMF GUI tool to generate large building maps ready to use in Gazebo
Open Robotics Middleware Framework large scenarios demos for Gazebo and Gazebo Classic
GitHub action in the marketplace to install Gazebo in all platforms
Workaround to get headless EGL rendering XVFB with an EGL render from VirtualGL
Hints to use the Digital Elevation Maps (DEM) support in Gazebo Sim
Handy code for using Gazebo in a test suite.
Tutorial for reseting the simulation to time zero.
Hints for finding the Python bindings available in the Gazebo libraries
Official tutorial for getting started with Python bindings for gz-math
Define custom protobuf messages that reuse gz-msgs or are hosted in an external repository
Thread with options about how to retrieve and process camera images
Main page documenting all the options of installing Gazebo and ROS together
Code demos showing the Gazebo and ROS 2 integration
Directory layout and minimal code to serve as the base for new Gazebo + ROS projects
The talk serves to define best practices of integrating simulation with ROS 2
Convert and complete an URDF file for its use in Gazebo
Avoid having URDF files in ROS and use SDFormat XML as a robot_description (with limitations)
ROS 2 packages to view SDF models on RViz
The repository contains various examples for how to template description files in ROS 2
Automated Conversion of Description Conventions Fusion360 Add-In.
Fusion360 extension exporting models to URDF, SDFormat, and MJCF
Bidirectional SDF <-> Universal Scene Description (USD) converter
gz-usd - Repository containing tools to convert USD and SDFormat
Tutorials for converting between SDF and MJCF formats
Examples and images about the use Gazebo sensors in ROS 2 with the ros_gz bridge
Examples and images about the use Gazebo sensors in ROS 1 with the ros_gz/ros_ign bridge
C++ and Python examples of using MoveIt 2 for planning motions that are executed inside Gazebo simulation environment
Community examples of Nav2 using Gazebo Fortress and Garden on ROS 2 Humble
Issue with information about the support of Gazebo in the Turtlebot3
Fuel web application with thousands of models ready to use (drag and drop into Gazebo)
Video presentation of the Fuel project by his authors
Official tutorial to upload new models to Fuel
Open Robotics Middleware Framework large scenarios demos for Gazebo and ROS
Fusion robot models that can be used out-of-box
Cardiff University repository with a ready simulating for the Stretch Robot
Official tutorial for creating a sample robot from scratch
Official tutorial describing the creation of an SDF world
Video presentation from core developer explaining how to achive efficency in complex simulations
Shared experiences on how users develop the 3D models for Gazebo
ROSCon presentation on creating realistic visuals for Gazebo
Introduction to Gazebo rendering
Open-RMF GUI tool to generate large building maps ready to use in Gazebo
Export SDF directly from Fusion360 supporting many automatic features.
Automated Conversion of Description Conventions Fusion360 Add-In.
Fusion360 extension exporting models to URDF, SDFormat, and MJCF
Use Blender to transform FBX files to DAE to be used in Gazebo
ColliderGen - Blender addon to create efficient collision geometries
A robotics focused addon for Blender that creates collision geometry and SDF files.
creo2urdf - generate URDF model from CREO Parametric mechanisms
Convert CREO Cad files into URDF
A ROS 2 package that converts occupancy grids from nav2_map_server into 3D heightmap for Gazebo
Official tutorial explaning the basics of the Gazebo Sim GUI.
Official tutorial to move the simulation camera to a specific model.
Measure distances in the 3D scene by clicking on them.
Apply an instantaneous force and/or torque to any link in the simulation controling its amplitude and direction
Drag objects around in the scene with the mouse cursor by applying forces and/or torques to links
GSoC 2020 about the adding plotting capabilities to Gazebo Sim.
Point Cloud visualization plugin in Gazebo Sim
Interaction with PX4 Autopilot and Betaflight for Gazebo/ROS 2 simulations
Drone models (quadrotor, hexrotor and crzyflie), Drone sensors and Worlds from the Areostack2
SITL (software in the loop) Gazebo simulation allows you to run Betaflight without any hardware
Several UAVs available in app.gazebosim.org ready to use
Features in Gazebo that are relevant for manipulation (pages 44-47 form the ICRA 23 slides)
C++ and Python examples of using MoveIt 2 for planning motions that are executed inside Gazebo simulation environment
ROSCon 2022 presentation of Marine features in Gazebo
Information about changes in the Gazebo simulator done to support better waves simulation
Video of the Virtual RobotX competition (autonomous surface vehicales)
Highlights of the VRX competition showing Gazebo for autonomous surface vehicles
Gazebo Sensor tutorial for generating CV datasets
Deep reinforcement learning manipulation ROS 2 + MoveIt2 + Gazebo + OpenAI Gym
Example of integration of a Gazebo simulation with ROS 2 and OpenAI using grasping
Example code and depth camera tutorial in the gz-rendering repository
Supports objects with uniform or variable surface temperatures
Thread with options about how to retrieve and process camera images
Tutorial for the Lidar sensor plugin
Example SDF supporting objects detected by Lidar that have custom retroreflection
Reports forces and torques on a joint.
Tutorial for the Gazebo contact sensor plugin
Tutorial for a battery system keeps track of the battery charge on a robot model.
Sensor search in the tutorial party resources listed for Gazebo community to be reviewed
Examples and images about the use Gazebo sensors in ROS 2 with the ros_gz bridge
How to create custom sensors to be used by Gazebo Sim
Main introduction to how Gazebo Physics is designed and implemented
Details and information on Gazebo TPE
Issue with pointers for the support of mu, mu2, slip1, slip2, fdir, restitution, collide_bitmask in SDFormat.
Error Reduction Parameter (ERP) and Constraint Force Mixing (CFM) in DART
Issue with information about ERP and CFM in DART and gz-physics
Enforces a linear relationship between the output position of two joint axes (previosly known in Gazebo Classic as gearbox joint)
Automatically Computing Moments of Inertia for SDFormat Links
Automatic computation of Moments of Inertia for SDFormat Links in simulation