Main page documenting all the options of installing Gazebo and ROS together
Code demos showing the Gazebo and ROS 2 integration
Directory layout and minimal code to serve as the base for new Gazebo + ROS projects
The talk serves to define best practices of integrating simulation with ROS 2
Convert and complete an URDF file for its use in Gazebo
Avoid having URDF files in ROS and use SDFormat XML as a robot_description (with limitations)
ROS 2 packages to view SDF models on RViz
The repository contains various examples for how to template description files in ROS 2
Automated Conversion of Description Conventions Fusion360 Add-In.
Fusion360 extension exporting models to URDF, SDFormat, and MJCF
Bidirectional SDF <-> Universal Scene Description (USD) converter
gz-usd - Repository containing tools to convert USD and SDFormat
Tutorials for converting between SDF and MJCF formats
Examples and images about the use Gazebo sensors in ROS 2 with the ros_gz bridge
Examples and images about the use Gazebo sensors in ROS 1 with the ros_gz/ros_ign bridge
C++ and Python examples of using MoveIt 2 for planning motions that are executed inside Gazebo simulation environment
Community examples of Nav2 using Gazebo Fortress and Garden on ROS 2 Humble
Issue with information about the support of Gazebo in the Turtlebot3