Fuel web application with thousands of models ready to use (drag and drop into Gazebo)
Video presentation of the Fuel project by his authors
Official tutorial to upload new models to Fuel
Open Robotics Middleware Framework large scenarios demos for Gazebo and ROS
Fusion robot models that can be used out-of-box
Cardiff University repository with a ready simulating for the Stretch Robot
Official tutorial for creating a sample robot from scratch
Official tutorial describing the creation of an SDF world
Video presentation from core developer explaining how to achive efficency in complex simulations
Shared experiences on how users develop the 3D models for Gazebo
ROSCon presentation on creating realistic visuals for Gazebo
Introduction to Gazebo rendering
Open-RMF GUI tool to generate large building maps ready to use in Gazebo
Export SDF directly from Fusion360 supporting many automatic features.
Automated Conversion of Description Conventions Fusion360 Add-In.
Fusion360 extension exporting models to URDF, SDFormat, and MJCF
Use Blender to transform FBX files to DAE to be used in Gazebo
ColliderGen - Blender addon to create efficient collision geometries
A robotics focused addon for Blender that creates collision geometry and SDF files.
creo2urdf - generate URDF model from CREO Parametric mechanisms
Convert CREO Cad files into URDF
A ROS 2 package that converts occupancy grids from nav2_map_server into 3D heightmap for Gazebo