Interaction with PX4 Autopilot and Betaflight for Gazebo/ROS 2 simulations
Drone models (quadrotor, hexrotor and crzyflie), Drone sensors and Worlds from the Areostack2
SITL (software in the loop) Gazebo simulation allows you to run Betaflight without any hardware
Several UAVs available in ready to use
Features in Gazebo that are relevant for manipulation (pages 44-47 form the ICRA 23 slides)
C++ and Python examples of using MoveIt 2 for planning motions that are executed inside Gazebo simulation environment
ROSCon 2022 presentation of Marine features in Gazebo
Information about changes in the Gazebo simulator done to support better waves simulation
Video of the Virtual RobotX competition (autonomous surface vehicales)
Highlights of the VRX competition showing Gazebo for autonomous surface vehicles
Gazebo Sensor tutorial for generating CV datasets
Deep reinforcement learning manipulation ROS 2 + MoveIt2 + Gazebo + OpenAI Gym
Example of integration of a Gazebo simulation with ROS 2 and OpenAI using grasping